Information for Code Officials

New Report


Updated! The newly revised ICC ESR 1895 provides improved guidance on Conditions of Use in regions where the frost line exceeds 12 inches. Section 5.3 now clearly refers code officials to the Diamond Pier Installation Manual for frost depth ratings!

Diamond Pier ESR 2025

3rd party testing reports available for bearing, uplift and lateral.

Fully Tested For All Imposed Deck Loads - In accordance with IRC Section R507.3 deck footings

The Diamond Pier Foundation is the Only Foundation Fully Tested to Support All Imposed Deck Loads per IRC Section 507.3 deck footings.

Reference the Diamond Pier Residential Load Chart and Testing Reports for bearing, uplift and lateral loads. ESR-1895

Pin Foundations, Inc. (PFI) advocates for a proper plan review process and greatly appreciates the professional relationship we have with the building code industry.

PFI is committed to providing the industry with the highest quality standards regarding manufacturing processes, quality control procedures, code compliance regulations, professional training and communication to the builder, and strong customer support to the homeowner.

We recognize the importance of a strong base of communication between municipalities and PFI.

This communication process services the common goal of keeping the homeowner and contractor safe, and helps PFI enforce proper procedures when installing the Diamond Pier product.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding code compliance of the Diamond Pier product, site-specific conditions that may affect the installation of the Diamond Pier product, or questions regarding an installation that may not have been installed properly.

PFI is available to present product knowledge seminars for your municipality, local Chapter groups or state and regional conferences.


Diamond Pier foundations are compliant with the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2021 IRC and the Wisconsin UDC.


See How It Works

Want a closer look at the technology behind the Diamond Pier foundation? Check out this video to see how it works!

Also, please feel free to contact us with your questions!



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