Diamond Pier in The News

Diamond Pier Footings Unveiled: Exploring Pros and Cons in Construction

Publisher : N.A.R Group

In construction, the foundation of any structure plays a crucial role in providing stability and support. One innovative foundation system gaining popularity is the Diamond Pier footing. In this article, we will delve into what a Diamond Pier footing is, how it works, and explore its advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional foundation methods.

A New Type of Deck Footing: Diamond Piers

Publisher : hominspector

There's a cool new product in town that's making deck footings way faster and easier to install; it's called a Diamond Pier® Foundation System.

National Finalist: Gold Award Environmental

Publisher : Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce

Meadowdale Beach Park and estuary restoration is a groundbreaking project along Puget Sound — the first stream mouth restoration project in the area, addressing the loss of barrier embayments along the Central Puget Sound’s eastern shore over the past century.

Alternative Deck Footing Product, Diamond Pier, Releases 10-year Study Examining Frost Heave Performance

Publisher : Professional Builder

When the Diamond Pier Foundation System appeared on shelves over 10 years ago, there was hesitancy with new users about the system - in fear that it would not hold up to frost heave pressures. Additionally, since there is no ASTM testing methodology for foundation systems in freezing conditions, so the building code industry relies upon observational evidence as the basis for deriving a reasonable standard of performance for a given frost zone depth.


Code(3) Compliance(3) Concrete(1) Decks(1) Frost(2) Frost Heave(2) Helical(1) Soil(6) Winter(2)
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